Cents Join Movember Fight to End Prostate Cancer


Merritt, BC – November 10, 2010

The Merritt Centennials are proud to announce that November 2010 marks the first annual “Movember” fundraiser for the team.

“Movember” is an international movement where men grow mustaches to raise awareness for men?s health issues, most notably Prostate Cancer.

As part of “Movember”, all of the Cents players will be trying to grow moustaches to raise money for this great cause.

“The entire Centennials organization would like to encourage everyone to participate in the fight against prostate cancer for the month of November,” said Cents Marketing Manager Maddison Canuel. “In 2010 alone, over 4400 men will die from this tragic disease and by making a small donation throughout the month we can all do our part to find a cure for prostate cancer.”

Men, women and children are encouraged to join the Centennials “Movember” team. This can be done by going to the following website: http://ca.movember.com/mospace/598312/

You can also donate to the Movember Foundation via the aforementioned URL.

November is “Movember” with the Merritt Centennials!