Registration Form Here: Merritt Hockey School Reg Form
DATES AUGUST 12-16 2019
LOCATION –Nicola Valley Memorial Arena, Merritt BC
STAFF -will include the Merritt Centennials Coaching Staff Barry Wolff, Derek Sweet-Coulter, current and past Centennial Players, and Guest instructors throughout the week
This camp is designed to maximize full learning potential while allowing the players to enjoy the camp and have FUN!!
Open to Boys and Girls in the following Age Groups—6-9 10-12 13-15
All Participants will receive an Official Camp Jersey
The five day camp will include—
Two separate Ice Times- including individual skill development, skating, passing, shooting, game tactics, small area competition games, scrimmages.
Two separate off Ice including Conditioning, (more advanced for the older group) skills, and Game Activities.
Sample Daily Schedule-
On Ice 8am-9am
Dryland 9:20-10:20am
Off Ice Skills 10:30am-11:15am
Nutrition Break 11:15am-11:30am
Ice Prep 11:30am
On Ice 11:45am-12:45pm
Day Complete 12:45pm
The cost of the camp will be $275. Payment can be made by Check, money order, (payable to Barry Wolff)
Credit card, visa, mastercard, American express, cash. Please fill out the attached registration form and email back to [email protected]. Or mail to Attention Barry Wolff, Merritt Centennials Hockey School PO Box 1730 Merritt BC, V1K 1B8. Any questions please email (above email address) or call Barry Wolff 604-250-9145.